anne schwabe

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Never without pen and sketchbook. Anne is an artist living and working in the middle of the magical Lüneburg Heath in Schneverdingen. She loves colors, shapes and textures, bubbles with new ideas, usually has paint on her hands, is always curious and on a discovery tour. She loves it when creative people gather in her studio PLAN:A, is often seen drawing in sidewalk cafes and adores the sea.


Berlin, Germany 
Urban, fresh, vibrant. In no big city do I feel as drawn to and carried away as in Berlin. There’s just something of everything; every niche is catered to here. I love to roam the city for hours and can’t get enough of it. Walking down Karl-Marx-Allee from Alexanderplatz, boating on the Spree to see a show at „Friedrichstadtpalast“ or visiting the great exhibitions at Gropiusbau. It doesn’t get any better than this.
Vorupør; Nationalpark Thy Denmark, North Sea The small fishing village Vorupør is located on the north coast of the National Park Thy, the oldest national park in Denmark. Wide pristine beaches, lined with a seemingly endless dune landscape give the landscape its character. Whether in a hurricane, when the wind almost tears you off your feet and sand and rain whip along horizontally, or in midsummer, when the sun only sinks glowingly into the sea late at night – for many years this has been the place where I can simply be. For me, there is nothing more beautiful and relaxing than walking for hours on the beach and enjoying the endless view over the rushing sea. This clears my mind and my creativity finds new nourishment. And when after a long hike my day ends at the „Vesterhvscafeen“ with a huge portion of chips, a soft ice cream with chocolate sprinkles or a big cold drink including the wide view of the beach, my day is just perfect.
My studio, Schneverdingen, Lüneburger Heide After searching, searching and more searching for a suitable studio, one night i had the dream to move into a large bright studio in a factory. Guess what happened a few days later? While walking around some streets away from home, I discovered a sign on a former shoe factory. „For rent!“ My dream turned into reality. It didn’t take long and i moved in. On the floor of this old factory from 1924 I found my creative center and established my studio PLAN:A- almost in the city center of Schneverdingen. This is the place where I let my imagination run wild and my art is created. Colors and shapes flow. The studio offers all the amenities, especially light and space. I am always happy to receive guests and to pass on my enthusiasm in various artistic workshops. Over time, a whole catalog of workshops – also with guest lecturers – has developed. Almost „around the corner“ is the Lüneburg Heath. Not even 10 minutes away and you are already in the green, e.g. in the Pietzmoor or on the Wilseder Berg. With a bit of luck, you will encounter one of the large herds of „Heidschnucken“ along with shepherds and herding dogs, who take care of the heath areas. A charming spectacle and always a beautiful station for drawing.