désirée cornet


Désirée was born in Berlin, raised in Brussels and is now living in Kent near the sea with her husband and daughter after having studied and lived in Munich. She loves movies, literature, music and calls herself surf addicted – but really, who isn’t? Currently she blogging for her beautiful blog „Traveltastic.de“. Besides her work as a Online Marketing Manager she studies screenwriting.



TiergartenTiergarten Berlin Yes, I’m a child of the old West-Berlin. And for me  the Tiergarten Berlin is still one of the best places to be. Not far from the zoo and the diplomatic district, it’s located right in the heart of every major sightseeing point and is still as vibrant as its’ history: The former hunting ground hosted the Love Parade in the 90ties and has until then been a place where different cultures and retreat ambitions clash in peace. You should definitely go and visit the Café am Neuen See or rent a boat to explore the hidden and beautiful water ways of Tiergarten Berlin.
hallesgeryHalles Saint Géry Brussels = The heart of Europe! Apart from meeting people from all over the world while sitting in one of these warm belgian Brasseries, Brussels is predestinated for arty parties in charming locations. Les Halles Saint Géry, a market hall built in the 16th century, is a must-visit-location while touring through the city. Inside you’ll find a restaurant, cafe and bar with changing exhibitions. Good to know:  Don’t miss Brussels Vintage Market on Sundays!

Floßlände, Munich 
Munich is really the capital of river surfing! And it all started at the Floßlände in Thalkirchen near the Zoo. Tourists tend to visit the famous Eisbach for watching sporty surfer girls and dudes, while the Floßlände is much more hidden in the south of Munich. If you would like to try a ride for yourself, this is the place you should go. Beginners can’t hurt themselves as easily as in the Eisbach and the atmosphere is much more relaxed: Where there is a wave, there is always localism.