

Lucas was born in Hungary and lived in MUC. Maybe the first frequent flyer dog with gold status. He was obsessed with flying and cute small dogs. Loved his family, liked traveling and spending his SPA holidays in Lüneburg Heath. Update: Lucas has moved up a level higher after a beautiful life with his friends and family. RIP Lukas!


The Lüneburg Heath 
One of my favorite places is the large area of heath, geest and woodland in the northeastern part of the state of Lower Saxony. Here i relax from the Munic city life, visit my lovely grand parents and just spend most of the day hanging out with them and play. Besides that my sweet girlfriend Kira lives here. She is that type of dog and lovely girl, you can hunt rabbits with. What can you ask for more?

I used to live in Düsseldorf with my best friends, but moved to Munich with them some years ago. I adore Bavaria. They have the best sausages in the world, they are called „Weisswürste“. The city is full of life and nice green parks. The only thing i did not figure out yet what people mean when saying „Servus!“ or „Grüß Gott!“ to me. Do you?

Any Refrigerator 
Here’s a true hot place! I could spend hours and hours next to any refrigerator, which is filled with „Leberwurst“ and „Mortadella“. Hey, I mean come on, what is better than that? Honestly, I even trained myself to stand gently on only two feed for getting what i love. For me it`s meat, it just drives me crazy and i can´t hide that. Thank you kindly for any delicious treat in advance!


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